try small things

Boxes, books and other small things for homebodies

Five things

Do you have a Summer bucket list? I’ve never made one myself, but I do have few things that I’d like to do. Like take the kids to a water park. Pick strawberries and make jam. Do a road trip to Target (the nearest one is two hours away) and Hello Yellow in Almonte (a 45-minute drive). And read Sophie Kinsella’s new book. (And about a dozen others!) Here’s a few thingsย I’ve been up lately.

five things june 8

1. Bananas, cherries and a splash of milk whizzed together in the food processor made the most delicious (and nutritious!) popicles the other day. Me and the kids could live on frozen treats, so you’ll be seeing a lot more of my concoctions this summer.

2. I’m partnering with minted to build a gallery wall and last week my prints arrived. Oh I can’t wait to show you the big reveal when it all comes together! (And there might be a little sumthin’ in it for you too!)

3. All these carnations, just $6 in Loblaws’ discounted flower section! I call them poor man’s peonies.

4. Have you done any planting this year? Yesterday we put together a wee herb garden with all of the usual suspects (chives, basil, thyme, etc.).

5. June is going to be a busy month here on the blog, what with the gallery wall reveal, more book reviews, a look at my trip to a super fun craft show, another giveaway from Lampe Berger and more! I hope you’ll follow along. I’m so glad you’re reading.

Have a great week everybody!

9 responses to “Five things”

  1. I would love to have the scent Excotic Cocktail sound so summery!

  2. My favorite flowers are peonies. They are so beautiful and the huge scented flowers are gorgeous. Gardening is my thing. I love it and there are so many benefits from it, like fresh fruit and veggies (chemical free too!). Have a great June!

  3. Phyllis Anderson Avatar
    Phyllis Anderson

    My summer project – To get the best credit card that gives me health coverage while travelling out of province, air miles without limiting me to a particular travel agent, airline and time frame. Yes yes boring, I know. But when you have a friend who travels FREE INCLUDING TAXES on her air miles, it makes me just a tad envious.

  4. I always look forward to your “Five Things” posts, Julie! That popsicle looks so delicious without the guilt, and I love that print! Can’t wait to see the full reveal ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you Karen! I’m so glad you’re reading! I loved your review of Finding Audrey — if you click on the link above you’ll see I’ve changed it to point to your post. xo

  5. OK I am totally in for a road trip to target, we seriously need to figure that out

    1. Yay! Let’s make it happen, Linda!

  6. oldermommystill Avatar

    Love the flowers, so pretty and when I saw the photo I thought they were peonies!

    1. Thank you! I’ve always loved carnations — they smell fantastic and they last so long!

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